
Homework #10

If you were working for the UN, which job would like to do using your English abilities? Why?

I'd like to work at UNICEF(United Nations Children's Fund).
Because I like children and English.
I think all children is equal, so that I want to go to various advancing countries in the world and know about condition of children there.
I don't know what can I do for them, but I want to make them happy than before.
If they want, I try to teach English and other things.
My English ability is not good, but I use it for them with utmost effort.


Homework #9

For homework answer questions 1-10 on page 18 of your textbook. Make sure you explain why you do it this way.

  1. If he/she is senior staff, I think space between he/she is about 1 meter. If he/she is junior fellow, it is within 1 meter. I think these space is manner in society.
  2. YES. When I talk with friends(he/she), I touch them. I think it is friendly sign.
  3. I sit ponytail woman's neighbor on the right. This seat can't be seen from the entrance, so I choose it .
  4. I look at a ceiling or a number board over the door, because I want to go out from there.
  5. It is about 45- 70 cm. Nothing too close and far is the best, I think. In Japan, I'm too close and far to next people, he/she feels uncomfortable.
  6. I will sit at the back seats, because I want old people and expectant mothers sit the seats which is close to the door of the bus.
  7. NO. If someone sit there, I will go looking for new seat.
  8. NO. I don't want to see them because I'm wearing a swimming suit!!
  9. YES. I look at their eyes or their throat.
  10. NO. I never talk to other passngers I don't know. I think it is rude for them.


Homework #8

What kind of work place do you think you will work best in? Choose a country other than Japan and research and explain 1 aspect of their business culture that is different than Japan. Do you think it is a good practice? Why?

I think working at stores is matching for me than any work places. Actually, I work at the convenience store as a part- time and I like the job here.

If I have to choose a country other than Japan, I will choose France. In my image, there are many kinds of smart store, so I think I can experience a lot of job.

I researched French society, but I couldn't know about it. If you want to work in France and could research it, please tell me.

Before everything, I have to study French...


Class #7 Dating

Today's homework is to make a pie chart of your ideal partner's characteristics and explain why these characteristics are important to you.
I have 6 points for my ideal partner's characteristics
First, personality is 30%, the most important. I like the man who is kind and active.
Second, looks is 15%. If my lover is taller than me(more over 15 cm than me) and he has a muscular build, he is my ideal.
Third, car is 20%. I want to step out with him, so the man who has a car is a good point.
4th, hobby is 15%. I like listening to music, watching soccer and baseball games and shopping. I
want to do these things with him, so it is wonderful if he has same hobbies.
5th, age is 10%. The best is the man who is older than me(more 2- 7 years). If he is older than me, he knows various places, shops and has his own thinkings. I can love and respect him.
Lastly, feeling is 10%. If we can feel that be comfortable with one another, we have best feeling.
These are just ideal. If the man who like these in front of me, I will propose marriage in no time.


#6 Homework Family Life

For homework please answer the questions in the textbook on page 14, section 4 a-f. Do not give one sentence answers, but explain them by giving evidence and examples.

a. When do children usually leave home?

→I think there are various situations. For example, entering university, campanies and so on. When children starts new life at the different places, they usually leave home.

b. How many people live in your home?

→Including me, there are 4 people, my father , my mother , younger sister and me. I have one younger brother, but he lives in Tokyo from last March.

c. Do you have a head of the family?

→Yes, my family's head is my father. Almost family in Japan, father is a head of family. But a head of the family which have no father is mother, maybe.

d. Who does the housework?

→In my family, my mother does the housework. She don't work, so she stays at home and does the housework. But there is an exception. There is father who does the housework in behalf of mother.

e. Who runs the family?

→In my family, my father runs the famliy. But there are some families which is two incomes, father and mother. I work as a part- time and it is for me, so I can't say "I run my family."

f. How many rooms do you have to sleep in?

→I sleep in my bed, and my room was just one.


Homework #5

1.Are feelings, emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?
→YES. I think every people in the world has feelings, emotions and facial expressions. If there are differences that method of expressions by country, I think we can understand that because there is any universal points in our expression. If we have a purpose of communicating our feelings, it will be understood by other countries people.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Then, write the English translation.

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?
→NO. I have no ideas, but I think it is possible to translate every Japanese feelings into English in some translation.


Homework #4

1. How do you greet members of your family? (mother, father, older brother, younger brother, grandparents, etc.)

⇒When I greet members of my family, I just say "ohayou", "oyasumi". I never hug and kiss.

2. How do you greet people that are important in society?

⇒When I greet people that are important in society, I bow and say "ohayou- gozaimasu" with polite expressions.

3. Do you greet people from the opposite sex in a different way?

⇒If he is my friends or younger than me, I say "yahho-(やっほー)" and wave my hand. But he is older than me or new people, I bow and greet with polite expressions.

4. Do you hug anyone? If yes, who and when. If no, why not?

⇒YES. When I meet my friends after a long time, maybe we hug each other. But it is only cognominal poeple.


Homework #3

How do you greet people in your life?Is it different for different people? How so and why?Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? Or Why not?

When I meet people, I usually say "konnichiha" and bow. There are some greeting words in Japan, "ohayou", "konnichiha"and so on. When I talk with people who meet for the first time, I do it and shake hands as the same time. I think it is common knowledge that greeting other parson in every country, and greeting differ from country to country.

I think that the way of greeting vary in different countries. In America, people kiss and hug with greeting. In India, people join their hands in prayer each other. I don't know why they do so, but it is culture and religious involvement.
When I talk to different people, maybe I can't touch them. Perhaps I will be nervous then, so I will never do that. To touch different people when we talk, I think we take getting used to do that.


Homework #2

How is your daily life affected by Buddhism? What do you do and why do you do it? Please give 5 examples and make sure you explain why you think you do them!

1. We say "itadaki- masu" before eating and "gochisou-sama" after eating as joining our hands in prayer. They mean thank for all life.

I thought about this homework very hard, but I couldn't get any ideas. If you have some ideas without my opinion, please tell me.


Homework #1


In Japan, there is famous cartoon about the atomic bomb and it is "Hadashi- no- Gen". I have read this. In this cartoon, it is depicted the awfulness of the bomb. The English version this cartoon will come to market this summer. The author of this, Keiji Nakazawa said "if American children read this and become Gen's friends, we can get rid of the nuclear weapons in the future."
I think there are some serious messages in the cartoon, for example thoughts of A- bomb victim's and the tragedy of it. I want a lot of foreigner people to read this cartoon and think with us. I hope the peace will prevail all over the world.

(Mainichi- Shinbun 24/4/09)