
Homework #4

1. How do you greet members of your family? (mother, father, older brother, younger brother, grandparents, etc.)

⇒When I greet members of my family, I just say "ohayou", "oyasumi". I never hug and kiss.

2. How do you greet people that are important in society?

⇒When I greet people that are important in society, I bow and say "ohayou- gozaimasu" with polite expressions.

3. Do you greet people from the opposite sex in a different way?

⇒If he is my friends or younger than me, I say "yahho-(やっほー)" and wave my hand. But he is older than me or new people, I bow and greet with polite expressions.

4. Do you hug anyone? If yes, who and when. If no, why not?

⇒YES. When I meet my friends after a long time, maybe we hug each other. But it is only cognominal poeple.


Homework #3

How do you greet people in your life?Is it different for different people? How so and why?Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? Or Why not?

When I meet people, I usually say "konnichiha" and bow. There are some greeting words in Japan, "ohayou", "konnichiha"and so on. When I talk with people who meet for the first time, I do it and shake hands as the same time. I think it is common knowledge that greeting other parson in every country, and greeting differ from country to country.

I think that the way of greeting vary in different countries. In America, people kiss and hug with greeting. In India, people join their hands in prayer each other. I don't know why they do so, but it is culture and religious involvement.
When I talk to different people, maybe I can't touch them. Perhaps I will be nervous then, so I will never do that. To touch different people when we talk, I think we take getting used to do that.


Homework #2

How is your daily life affected by Buddhism? What do you do and why do you do it? Please give 5 examples and make sure you explain why you think you do them!

1. We say "itadaki- masu" before eating and "gochisou-sama" after eating as joining our hands in prayer. They mean thank for all life.

I thought about this homework very hard, but I couldn't get any ideas. If you have some ideas without my opinion, please tell me.